There are many ways to participate in, serve, and enjoy Grace Church and the community. Almost everyone participates in a job or ministry. Opportunities (some temporarily suspended due to the pandemic) include the Vestry (member, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Secretary), Choir membership and leadership, Recorder Group, and Sunday Service roles (Bulletin preparation and printing, Altar Guild, Adult Forum, Lay Reading, Chalice Bearer, Standing Station during Communion). Grace also offers a weekly free community meal called Thankful Thursday.
Our Pastoral Care Team includes eight dedicated team members who actively maintain a pastoral visitation schedule, follow up with people who are not present at Sunday services, pray for our parish and their assigned parishioners, assess needs and determine how to address them (calling on others to help with food, visits or whatever is necessary), and communicate pastoral concerns when they should be made known to the wider Grace community. They also ensure that the Communion Kit is in working order.
The Grace mission outreach projects include scholarships to support post-secondary education, food ministries (Nelson Pantry, Nelson Kid Care), and the Domestic Violence Task Force. We are also part of Unity In Community, an ecumenical non-profit that assists with humanitarian needs.
We have traditionally held an Annual Retreat at the Montebello Camp Ground during which congregants and friends can spend a weekend together that is focused on how we can strengthen our spiritual growth, our mission and outreach activities, and the future of our church community.